Sunday, September 9, 2007

something sweet to EAT!

i just noticed my last post was aug. so i figured i'd let ya know what i've been up to. first i have to say i'm so excited em has a blog so does amanda and now britt. i'll need to put them on my group list soon. we went to dinner with a bunch of couples to carabas ( one of my faves!) and then went over to gelato freeze next door, some of our friends from our last ward opened it and we thought we would have something sweet and support them. it was so yummy and they decorated it so cute, they even have a fun kids area. so everyone go taste it! williamsfield and market. pb crunch is my fave of course.


Libby said...

Hey Paige-So fun and sounds tasty. I just started a blog too but I don't have your email address. Oh, I guess you can check it out if you want through our bunko one. Anyways, I'll have to try out the gelato place!

Shannon said...

I'm so glad you finally posted. I agree the gelato place was so good and when we took the kids back the next day they thought it was so fun too.

Paige said...
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Emily Webb said...

it is so fun to go out together! And now i always eat desserts! ahhhh! this is the prob with my pants!!